Monday, May 12, 2014

Random Rambles

Random thoughts today.

It's the end of an era.
Sort of.

This weekend was my final weekend
teaching down in Boynton.
I will NOT miss driving down there
every weekend.
And living out of a suitcase.
And being away from my family.
And missing out on all kinds of stuff.

I WILL miss having company paid
meals out at my choice of restaurant...
and all those points I get to cash in
every year at Christmas.

I'm still teaching.
I'm just going to be teaching locally.
Which has definite advantages!

Last night I handed off the keys to the
new instructor.
The folks who own the office took the
weekend off, so I didn't get to say Goodbye.
But that's ok.

However, since I was working out of town,
I pretty much forgot it was Mother's Day.
(I haven't ever been a huge fan of that holiday...)
(Treat your Mother like a Queen every day!)
(Sorry Mom!!!!!)

This was my lovely Mother yesterday,
with her Mother's Day flowers.
(Not from me, by the way.)
(Also, can I just say, I am still always a little
taken aback when I see the front door
without the wooden shelf thingie that was
there for my entire childhood.)
(Can I just ask, WHERE DOES DAD PUT
HIS CAR KEYS?????????)
(see, I told you, random...)

However, I did stop at Taco Bell for some dinner
and the guy at the drive-thru wished me a
Happy Mothers Day.
"If you are even old enough to BE a Mother..."
(good save...)
I smiled and told him MY children were old enough
to be Mothers.
Except for that whole "BOY" thing.

My darling husband did text me first thing in the
morning to wish me a Happy Mothers Day
and tell me one of my baby bunnies died.
He said the others were fine.
And the one who passed away looked healthy.

To which my student replied
"Well, except for that whole DEAD thing!"


But now I have to get back to work.
Big Brother is Watching.



Rozann said...

See the brass bowl? That's where the keys go. Except they park in the back yard now, (garage) so I don't know if they really walk all the way to the front door to put their keys there. But I think they do, because they still hang their coats in the front coat closet. Unless dad is wearing his big blue down coat - cause it still hangs at the back door... confusing enough? Okay, so their keys were in that brass bowl when I visited last time... so I'm sticking with that! :) Oh, and the flowers were from the Tucson kids

Rozann said...

Okay, so there are mints in it at the moment - but that's because they had guests coming over for Mother's Day Dinner... USUALLY there are keys in it! ha ha

Collette said...

HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I thought that was the purpose of the little copper bowl, but I also thought the mints were actually a doily or some such thing so his keys didn't clank. (Can you tell Dad is an Engineer???) I'll bet they have a hook or some such thing at the back door. (Thank goodness for the Parelli Caribbeener (no idea how to spell that word) that you got me years ago. My keys hang on my purse. 24/7. Unless they are starting my truck...)