Thursday, March 11, 2021

ANOTHER Kyle Project

 That man NEVER just sits around.
And since his jobs are mainly on the
weekends, he has lots of time during
the week to think up and do projects.

His latest....

The guys have been re-vamping the cattle
facility to accommodate the new scales.
Originally we were just going to slide a
4x4 in front and behind the cow while they
stood on the scales.

But then they decided to do slider gates.
The ones Linda has at the ranch are really
nice to use - but the quality isn't really great.
Of course, Kyle knew he could do it better.
And WAAAAY less expensively.

$300 and several days later, he built two
slider gates.

Today, while Rod and I were at work,
he installed them.



Unlike Linda's, Kyle's have rollers on the top
(like those fancy barn doors everybody is 
putting in their houses these days...)
and they work GREAT!
I'm excited to finish up the facility and
run some cows through there!

(He only had one set installed when he sent
me these pictures... but now both are in
and working great!)

He is amazing.

He's going to paint them black.
But paint the overhead thingie like
PINK or something because otherwise I
see myself bumping my head.
(Or maybe wrap it in pool noodles?)

1 comment:

Rod said...

Those gates are heavy duty, I love them.