Monday, March 8, 2021


 I caught a cold.
Just an ordinary, garden variety, spring cold.

But it was ANNOYING!

Thursday night I thought it was Kyle's 
diffuser that was making my throat sore.

But I woke up in the morning with a RAW throat.
And a runny nose.

Luckily Rod took the day off to work with Kyle.
So he took care of all the farm chores.
I lazed on the couch.
Took LOTS of oil of oregano.
And blew my nose.
And ate chicken soup.

Saturday was a repeat.
Although my throat wasn't sore anymore.
But my nose was doing its best impersonation of
the Niagara Falls.

I cleaned out THREE semi-used boxes of Puffs Plus.
And ate chicken soup.

Sunday.... less nose running, more tight chest.
Actually, I woke up in the night with the WORST
headache I ever remember.
My TEETH hurt!
And my pillow felt like a boulder!
But I was in too much pain to get up and do anything
about it! (Including wake Rod...)
I eventually went back to sleep.
The guys had a job they could only do that day,
so I was home alone most of the day.
Which was PERFECT.
I lazed on the couch in my jammies.
And ate chicken soup.

Kyle made us fajitas for dinner and I actually
felt good enough to eat!
(And then I made a yummy, naughty, little treat
for everybody to celebrate I was getting better!)
(I love chicken soup, but I was out of noodles...)

This morning... I'm 90% better!
A bit of a nagging cough now and again.
But for the most part... I'm good.


And since I didn't leave the house since Thursday,
I was anxious to check on my babies!

Eyes are barely open.
Wiggly little critter!
I was afraid he was going to hop right
off my hand!
(Turned his head just as I took the picture...
he is turning brown and has a white belly and
the insides of his ears are white... the others seem
to be staying black...)

There are only 3 left of the original 5,
but Ethel is doing a good job of keeping
them fed and warm in a nest.
She moved them deeper in to the hutch
since the wind has been whipping around about
30 mph for the past 2 days.
It was a chilly night last night,
but they did just fine.

Ethel is enjoying the fresh lettuce from the garden.
Turns out I'm not a big fan.
But I'm happy to share.

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