Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday Afternoon

 This week I am teaching the morning classes.
I just finished today's... I had 4 students.
Which is about average for the morning.
Most people have stuff to do.


Yesterday was the big day.
We (and by we I mean Kyle)
mulched the sun hemp!

It's gotten really leggy.
We should have done it earlier, but he has been busy.
You know... buying a new truck and all that.


Even standing on a pile of bricks I only got glimpses of him.
(That's a low spot)

Mostly it was... I'm sure he's in there.. but WHERE?

It didn't take long!
It chewed it right up and spit it right out.
(along with a little dirt when there is a hidden hill...)

Oh look!
There are the truck and jeep! 
Haven's seen them in a long time!

And then it was time to hook up the neighbor's tiller
and turn it all in.
Work all that "green manure" into the soil.

It's like instant gratification!
Kyle did those two passes and then let
Rod take over the driver's seat.
He did the rest.
And I went inside to start dinner.
And Kyle built a small fire in the wash tub
and cooked himself a couple of marshmallows.

I didn't get a picture when it was all done because
Rod finished up after dark using the headlights.
And this morning I've been in the Zoom Room.

Kyle went out to smooth it out and seed it with
some winter rye seed I bought,
but it's still kind of rough and he's having trouble
with his neck, so he's going to have Rod drag
it tomorrow.
And then we'll seed it.
I'll be working at the Town.
So again with the "royal" we.... lol.

But it's looking good!

The steers were VERY interested.
(And tried really hard to stretch under the fence
and grab up the bits they could reach...)

When he first started they RAN all over the pasture and back and forth
up to the barn and back to the back and up to the barn...
but then settled down and decided to just stand there and watch.
They are getting bigger.... slowly.

Speaking of bigger...

Kyle's little strawberry plants that only had about 3
leaves on them when he bought them are getting
bigger and one even has a couple of flowers!

If these two do well, he wants to get a bunch more.
Fall seems to be the time to grow them!
It's been much cooler!
(I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt and PANTS to teach
today - and when I'm done here I'm going to grab
a bite to eat and then we're going to take the dog
for a walk in the woods. My computer says is 69 outside.

Have a wonderful day!
Hope the trip home from Pine Top was uneventful
and the dr visits go well this week.

Love you guys!!!!

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