Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Happy Birthday Dad!

 Happy Birthday Dad!!!

Today is my Dad's birthday.
(Soni and I always laugh - we ALWAYS
say MY Mom, MY Dad...
even though they are OUR's.)
He's MY Dad.

I wish I could be there to celebrate his day.
He will want to keep it low key.
But MY Mom will make sure to make
the day special for him.
(With the help of Nancy, Rozann and family)

He got a nifty new picture frame
that rotates through pictures from his life,
his family,
his loves,
his experiences,
his joys.

It's called Skylight.

We all put some photos on it and we can
update it and send NEW photos whenever we want!
So watch for new pictures!
(But considering how inconsistent I have been
with my blog lately, don't watch too hard..... lol.)

Just because I haven't been blogging daily,
doesn't mean I haven't been thinking of my parents
daily. They are in our thoughts and prayers

My Dad is so important to my life.
To who I am today.
And who I will hopefully be some day.
(If I ever FINALLY grow up...)

I look to him as my example.
I look to him to see what I can become.

To watch his joy.
His passions.
His testimony.



1 comment:

rktucson said...

Hope he doesn't read this before we give him his gift tonight! Haha