Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Hurricane Nicole

 Remember the other day when I said we were
done with all the hurricane stuff for the year?


Introducing Hurricane Nicole.
She just sort of popped up out of nowhere.
We had Lisa and Matthew, but they
were headed down to Mexico.
And then, boom. There she was!

Right at this moment she is still a tropical storm,
but expected to be upgraded to a hurricane in an hour or so.

She looks pretty impressive, but we aren't expecting 
much from her here.
The properties on the beach are going to take a beating.
It's a full moon.
So high tide with a hurricane storm surge
is likely to be brutal.
Daytona is already loosing sea walls and property.
We are a little smarter down here and don't build 
right on the beach like they do, so we will loose some
sand, but just did that giant project last year where they
brought in $3million worth of sand to replenish our beaches.

And in other news.....

We re-elected the best governor we've ever had.
By a land-slide.
AND, we (and by we, I mean they, since I can't vote...)
finally replaced our Commissioner of Agriculture with
a man who ACTUALLY owns/grew up on a RANCH.
What a concept.

So, yeah.
We're having a hurricane.
But whatever.
Everything is right with the world.

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