Tuesday, November 1, 2022

TV Watching Dog

 Aunt Karen's dog, Riley, watches Bonanza!
(I'm pretty sure that's his favorite....)
(It's one of those old westerns...)

Beau has never been interested in the TV.

But yesterday I caught him watching!

He didn't watch for very long,
but Master Chef Australia caught
his attention for a few minutes there...

And then it was back to his nap.

This is where you find him when I'm working.
If I head down the hall to my office,
he dashes down there (so I don't close the door
and lock him out...)
and up into his chair for a snooze.

Those were 'Cille's chairs in her living room.
She would likely be appalled to see a DOG
sitting in them.
(And he likes to chew the buttons on the back...)
His chin spot is FILTHY.
But he's happy.

I only kick him out if he is snoring TOO loudly.
My students sometimes comment on the
"sleeping student".
I keep a picture of him in my power point
so I can share with the class... lol.

Silly dog.

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