Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Yesterday Kyle and I went out to the farm.

(I took Beau, since I wasn't going to be there long...
but he isn't going again.....)
Of course, there was lots of mud since we got
some rain earlier overnight and in the morning.
So now my backseat is a mess.
And I had a bag with a couple extra water
bottles in it, and he found them and his
FAVORITE game is to take the lid off
empty water bottles.
Only these were full.
Luckily it was still in the bag, so I just
grabbed the whole thing and tossed
it in the bed.

Plus he wanders. And he is the same color
as much of the brown grass.
So I had to really watch him.
(Hello, coyotes...)

It was a one and done for him.

But the REASON I went out there was to
learn to do the things that Kyle does.
He's going to make a trip back to Florida
on Tuesday and I'm going to need to
get stuff done without him.

So he gave me a crash course (with pictures)

on how to do stuff.
What order to do stuff in.
How long stuff should take.
(I brought my little black book and TOOK NOTES!)

Wish me luck!

We are going out again Thursday (I don't teach on
Tues or Thurs) and I'm going to do it all and
have HIM watch.



Then I loaded up Beau and took him home while Kyle
stayed out there and finished mowing the 40 acre
and a path from the water trough to the back of
the property and then up the hill to the old CRP.
(just a fenced off area that WAS under contract
with the Fed Gov as protected, but we got out
of that contract. They pay $800 a year and we can't
use that property until like 2032! NOPE!)

Anyhow. (again)
Then he came home and we had a nice
dinner and watched some TV.

Today I'm teaching and he's back out there
watering and doing whatever else he needs
to do to get stuff ready for me.

This is my final week of "double dipping".
Beth returns from Europe this weekend.
But I cover for her the next 2 Friday mornings.
I THINK I have all of Wednesday off next week
because we traded her Friday morning 
for my Wed night since she probably could
use a paycheck.
That's what my calendar says...
But that's open to interpretation.

Anyhow. (again)

HAPPY Independence Day!!!
Since I might not get on here tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 Last night while I was teaching,
I took a 10 minute break and went to let
Beau out into the yard.

There were FIVE rabbits in the yard!

They scattered through the fence
as soon as Beau went out,
but they hung around.
(All but one... he took off!)

This was the largest and he went through the 
fence into the neighbor's yard.

This little guy sat and watched us for the whole 10 minutes.

This guy went out under the tree
and then I noticed his friend.

Just chilling in the shade of the tree.

It was a hot day - got to 100.
So I'm sure they were just enjoying the cooler evening.
But before I put in a backyard garden I'm going
to need a better fence!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday Musings

 Rozann and I were chatting this morning
and talking about memories.
My earliest memory is the one with the scissors.
We were VERY young.

My next earliest memory is when I got lost at the zoo.

I think I've told this story before, but if not,
here we go again.

Mom LOVED to go to the zoo and she would
randomly announce she wanted to go to the zoo
and she would load up the car with us 4 girls
and any of our friends who got permission to go.

Well, I remember Rozann was in the stroller
(and I seem to remember the black leather coat
with the fringe, that seems to go with this memory,
but that would mean she was older than I think....
anyhow. Memory is a funny thing.)

We went to the children zoo and looked at all
the baby animals they had there.
There was a bear "pit" with red metal stairs
like the ones on a slide that went up  to a catwalk
above the baby bears and then you went back
down another set of red stairs on the other end.

We all went up and we all went down.
Well, not ALL.
I was enthralled with the baby bears and when
I finally was done watching them, I looked around
and I was alone.
So I went down and looked for Mom and the kids
and they were nowhere in the children's zoo.
So I started to cry.
And some kind zoo worker took me to
"lost and found" and while they announced
over the loud speaker for Mrs Stoddard to come
collect her little girl, they bought me an ice cream cone.

We were in a backroom and there was this picture
on the wall.

There was a macaw in the other room,
I could hear it, and some other animals,
and I was SURE there were dogs in the other room,
but they were playing cards and DRINKING BEER!
I was honestly terrified.
They were doing something I had been taught was BAD.
And I was so afraid what would happen if they
opened the door and found me in there.

Well... anyway.
Mom had left the children's zoo and walked across
the grass field over to the playground and broke
out the bag of sandwiches she brought for lunch.
And then at some point she did a head count
and realized one was missing and as soon as 
she gathered everybody up and headed back to the zoo
she could hear the announcement.
(They apparently don't pipe it to the playgound...)
So she went and rescued me.
And all was well.

But I am eternally traumatized.
(NO, I'm really not.... in fact I TOTALLY forgot
this memory until one night when I was working
an overnight in 1980 at Dairy Herd Investigators,
punching in dairy cow information, which is a
MIND NUMBING job, so my brain was wandering
and pulled this memory up for my entertainment!)

Good story.
With a visual.
You're welcome.
And now I'm finished teaching my class
and I'm off to make us some lunch before
Kyle heads back to the farm.
(He had to come home and clean the carb
on his little generator - had some trash in there.)
I just heard it start, so he'll be coming in soon.
Have a fun Monday!