Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Coming Home

 Kyle is coming home today.
So I decided I had better get 
his artwork hung.

He let me pick three of his favorites.
Bought some frames.
They were the easiest frames I've ever used!
(Except for the stupid sticker they put
on the front. They were wrapped in plastic,
you'd think they would put it there!)

And it's not glass, it's plastic.

But that just means when they fall off
the wall they won't break.
That's good....

It will give me something fun to look
at while I'm teaching.

But now, I need to eat my breakfast and get
out to the farm and get some water on
the cucumbers.

We are getting some flowers on them!

And on the beans.
Something, a rabbit? Or the deer? or a bug?
Anyhow, something is eating the bean plants,
but they are soldiering on and were covered in 
blossoms yesterday, so we should have beans
in another couple of days.
I'm looking forward to that!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Awesome! And he is quite an artist!!