Saturday, July 13, 2024

MUCH Better

 First off.... I realized I didn't update Kyle's trip.
Obviously he made it to Florida.
Got there around midnight Wed night.
It's a FASTER trip when you aren't weighed
down with an old lady and a dog.

It wasn't without its adventure though.

Wednesday morning he got a flat on the uHaul trailer.
Luckily we listened to the "little voice" and got the
insurance, so they sent someone out and had
it fixed in about 15 minutes.
(If there had been a spare Kyle said it would
have been done in 5. lol)
Grateful he wasn't out in the middle of nowhere
when it happened!

Anyhow. Other than that, and a chip in his
windshield, it went well.

And yesterday he sold the truck.
So the trip was a success.
He'll likely stay for awhile and help Rod.
And maybe work with Jim for a bit.
Or jump in his Golf and come back.
Who knows.
It's Kyle.

We are grateful for prayers for a safe journey.

This morning I mowed the backyard.
(The front didn't need it...)

And then I cleaned out the truck.

This is what happens when you take the dog with 
you to the farm and he runs around in the mud
and then jumps in the truck when you aren't looking.

Don't have heart failure Sweetheart.

I fixed it.
Its not perfect, but good enough for today.
Next trip into town I'll pick up some
upholstery cleaner for the cloth seats.


But for now it's better.
(Towels because I get in and I'm also pretty dirty
after a day at the farm.
And also those seats get HOT!)

And now I have a few "around town" errands
to do this morning. (Need a cucumber and some
milk from the grocery store and some fuel so I 
can make it into town tomorrow for church...)

Make it a great day!

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