Saturday, July 20, 2024

First Harvest

 Last night we got a little rain here at the house
while I was teaching, but I turned on the radar and
kept an eye on the farm.
Looked like we got some good rain!
So this morning I got up and headed to Hill City
for their farmers market. (I need eggs and

It's overcast and chilly today.
It's 11:30 and only 70 outside right now.
It's kind of lovely!

Anyhow, it was slim pickings there.
There were only 3 vendors, the egg
lady didn't show up.
So I bought a couple of cucumbers and
a small jar of homemade dill pickles.

And then I headed to our farm.

And we had our first harvest!!!

(I stole the bucket that Kyle's screws came in...)
When I got there, it had between a quarter and a 
half inch of RAIN WATER in it!


We got five nice zucchini. 
There are several more coming on, might be ready
to harvest on Monday.

And I found our first baby yellow squash!

LOTS of flowers on the yellow squash plants.
The cucumbers are still tiny plants.
Nothing yet.

But I think I might have seen some flower
buds coming on a bean plant.

And the okra... well, that's always slow to start.


I'm excited to see signs of life.

(I have been weeding the rows, but left the stuff
growing in the walkways for the most part.)
We need a weed whacker or lawnmower or 
something to knock it down.

I'm hoping that the rain will get the 
sunflowers starting.
I'd love to have a big field of them!

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