Thursday, July 11, 2024

2nd Farm Day

 I ended up having to sub yesterday morning.
So I didn't go out to the farm.

But this morning I got up early and headed out
before it got HOT.

This is my "office" these days.

If you look REAL hard you might be able to see Kyle's house.
It's kind of left of the middle, WAAAAAAAY up on the hill top.
That's where the garden is.
(This is not dry ground, it is the pad the stock tank sits on...)_

You are used to seeing my red toes on the beach.
Instead here are my nasty muddy shoes in the garden.
I fill the tank with water (20 minutes) and then
drive it at a "blow your hair back" speed of 6 mph.
First I have to drive down our "road" past where our
house is going to be and out to the actual road.
Sometimes I do 4 mph, and sometimes I do 5. 
If I'm feeling reckless.
Then up that BIG hill to Kyle's driveway.
Floored it does 6 mph.
I have to watch because Vince and his Dad drive
down our road and they are a little faster than me.
But they know we are out there, so they watch
for us too.


Once I get to Kyle's driveway, I cut across his "yard"
and through the "orchard" to the garden.
Depending on where I am watering, I either drive to
the back of the garden and around the hay pile,
or to the front of the garden.
Get out and hook up the right hoses to the right things,
and then let Wilson do his thing.
30-ish minutes.
Between the driving and the hooking up and the
moving of hoses and Wilson (the sprinkler), one tank takes
just about 1.5 hours. (Down from 2 hrs yesterday!)

Today while Wilson was doing his watering,
I loaded up some sunflower seeds into the little
walk-behind seeder thingie and planted 48 rows
of sunflowers in the half of the garden we
aren't using this year.
I did the front 80' in sunflowers.

Tomorrow morning I'll do the back 50' 
in sunn hemp. (I left the seeds at the house this
morning. And I probably wouldn't have done it
anyway, it was getting toasty.)

I did 3 runs (tanks) today.
I could have done one more, but I was out of
drinking water and that's not a good thing.
So I loaded up and headed home.

And then headed into Hays to Home Depot to
pick up some fertilizer, a chair for my backyard,
and then to Tractor Supply for another 2 hoses,
some gloves, and another gas can.

Wendy's as a treat (late lunch / early dinner)
and then back to the house to do some computer
work and now I'm going to go sit in my 
comfy chair and probably fall asleep.

Also, I need to take a shower.