Friday, July 26, 2024

Oops! Yup, He's HERE!

 And we are BUSY!
He got home about 8:45 Wed night.
We chatted, ate some food and hit the bed.

Then Thursday morning I made him get up
"early" and we went out to the farm to
let him check it out.
We did a BUNCH of weeding and hoeing.
He had a new old fashioned reel mower delivered.
(remember those? Not electric, it just has
a metal blade that whirs around and makes a
very distinctive sound while it cuts grass.)

We played with it in the backyard.
And then took it to the farm.
Where it was overwhelmed by the weeds.
It will be a perfect "maintenance" tool...
but he is bringing home his big trailer today
and going back with his riding mower
(it stays here at the house) and giving everything
a good haircut. Then we can use the little
guy to keep it looking good.

Also he will pick some more zucchini and
I think there are 3 or 4 yellow squash.

We picked 3 more nice looking ones yesterday.

I had to teach this morning and again this evening.


After the farm we came home for a BLT and a nap
for both of us... (he was exhausted after his drive)
which went REALLY WELL thank you everybody!

His little VW gets 47.8 mpg!
So he only stopped for fuel 4 times.
However, sleeping in the hatchback was not
a super fun activity.
Oh, and, the AC quit several years ago.
So it was HOT!
(And his left arm and left side of his face

So.... a nice cool shower and a nap was in order.
Then a run into Hays to WalMart because he
His Nestle Quik Chocolate Milk mix.
Can't have THAT!

But he also brought me a box of about 20 mangos
from our tree!
They are almost ripe.
I'm keeping a close eye on them, and as soon
as they are ready I'll chop them up and put
them on trays in the freezer and then we 
will run to Hill City and get the freeze dryer.

I'm just now finished teaching for this morning.
I'm going to make me some lunch and then
I think I'll run to our little grocery store and
get a jug of bleach so I can clean out his
little chest freezer (it's in the garage but has been
in the tack room in Florida and then in storage in Hill
for a LONG time - he bought it when he lived in Logan)
so it needs a good cleaning.

And then I'll get ready to teach again tonight.

Have a LOVELY weekend!
Stay cool!
(It's in the 90's today but heading to the triple
digits next week - welcome to August!)
Our little house stays pretty nice until late afternoon...
and then I turn on the AC.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

So glad he returned safely. Love the grass mileage he gets in his car... Naomi has a lurks jetty too, but he's is new lady year because she totaled it coming home one night. Missed our corner and ran into a Cactus! It is a manual transmission ans she loves it. Sorry his AC doesn't work though. That's a bummer. Wow those mangos look awesome!!