Monday, July 15, 2024


 I planted a little rose bush we bought
at Home Depot a week or so ago.

And it bloomed!

No idea what kind they are.

But they were pretty!
They are gone now.
I need to deadhead the bush.
And MAYBE it will give us some more.
I planted them in the corner by the front steps.

The crimson clover is coming up in the raised garden
in the back yard.

And we have some baby watermelons coming up too.

And out at the farm we have our FIRST squash blossom!
I have no idea what kind of squash it is.
But I guess we will find out!

It's just barely sunrise, I've had breakfast,
done the banking, made my lunch and water jugs...
and now I'm going to get dressed and head to the farm.
It's supposed to be 106 degrees today, so I want
to get out there early so I can come home before
somebody turns on the furnace out there.

SO happy to hear Mom is doing well!
Take care of yourself Mom!
Thank you Nancy (and Reid and Rozann and Greg)
for watching over her and taking such good care.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

We are all doing our best to care for these two amazing parents of ours who have spent their lives looking out for all of us!!