Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Instant(ish) Gratification

I love instant gratification.
Who doesn't???

I think that's why I used to like vacuuming.
But since there is ZERO carpet in this house,
today I decided to try my hand at mowing.

I actually tried to mow the yard yesterday
but Kyle had taken our big riding mower
over to Brock's to mow the little corral,
which meant the deck was still super high and all
I was doing was giving the grass
a good blow dry.

I gave up.

This morning I had Kyle give me a
refresher on how to change the 
deck height, and then I was set to go.

About 11:30 I went out to mow.
And forgot how to start it.
(there are like 40 steps and you have
to do them in the right order and 
NONE of them are in a logical order.
I skipped one.

A quick phone call to Kyle got that straightened out.
(I miss being able to phone Rod at work!)

And then.
Ta Da.

I mowed the yard!

The middle yard,
the sides of the driveway
and even the front yard!
Kyle took his tractor, trailer and truck
to work with him today,
so it was the perfect opportunity to
"do it all!"

It doesn't look "Rod mowed".
Or "Kyle mowed".
But it looks better than
"horse mowed".


(Obviously this is not today,
since I'm here by myself and have not yet
hired a paparazzi to follow me around
with a camera...)

Also it's only 78 degrees, so I'm wearing jeans.

But hey!

It only took me an hour!

Instant (ish) gratification!!!! 
(however, mowing grass in the winter isn't
nearly as satisfying as mowing in the summer.
There are very few parts of the grass that
grow enough during the winter so you can
actually SEE your progress as you go...
But the over all effect is rewarding.)

I might even do it again....

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