Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tired Tuesday... LOL

It's a thing.

After teaching until 10 last night, I needed
to wind down a little, 
also I remembered we were out of whites to wear.
I put them in the wash before class
and put them in the dryer after.
Then I just had to wait for it to finish.

While I waited, I watched my latest favorite
YouTuber... FrugalFitMom.
She's an LDS lady (although she never says,
they sometimes wear BYU Idaho t-shirts, 
I'm pretty sure her husband teaches there...
and one Saturday the family went to clean the church.)

She talks a lot about cooking for a large family
for very little money.
Like none.
She buys lots of stuff on clearance and then 
puts it in her freezer, so every now and again
she will do an entire week of 100% pantry cooking.
NO groceries at all.

She makes lots of things out of ingredients
you might not expect to put together and they
turn out really well.
I think the videos will be really helpful for
some of my Self Reliance people.
They get ingredients from the Bishop's Storehouse,
but they have no idea what to do with them.
If  you've never done anything but open a box
or a carton and stick it in the microwave...
can you really call that cooking?


I stayed up for awhile watching her
(she is SUPER prolific - she has like 800 videos!
So you can binge for DAYS and not repeat!)
Then the laundry was done, so I grabbed some
for Rod to wear in the morning and headed to bed.
And realized I forgot to close the chicken coops.

Oh well.
They got to spend the WHOLE day running
around the farm.
Lucky birds.

This morning I went to work at the town and when
I arrived, discovered Denine was out sick.
She usually texts me to let me know... but didn't this time.
Her desk was a MESS.
Her back muscles are spasming (is that a word?) and 
she was in a LOT of pain.
For example, she time stamped a building permit that
came in. She stamped it FEBRUARY 30.
Which doesn't exist...

I spent the day getting everything organized and back
under control. Stayed until about 4:45.
Headed home to feed the animals.
Made a quick fried egg and a left over mini waffle
(I made a bunch for breakfast on Sunday)
and then into the Zoom Room.

After teaching my ONE student (Orientation is
kind of sparse on Tuesdays - I usually have a larger
class on Thursdays...) I typed up a form for Rod,
now I'm doing my blog, and then it's BED.

Oh, and I DID remember to put the birds away tonight.
My dumb ducks didn't want to get in their house.
I chased them around and around and around
until I finally put up a barrier so they couldn't
just make laps and moved their food tray
and they FINALLY went in.

The garden is coming up!
I'll try to remember to take a picture tomorrow.
I'm not supposed to work at the Town, but might
need to if Denine is still out (or "out"... lol)

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