Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 We got a little rain again last night.
So this morning instead of watering,
I started moving that big pile of cut grass
(hay) from the back of the garden onto
the rows.

And while I was working, there was a big ol' fat
bumblebee doing his job pollinating the squash blooms.

We have lots of flowers.
And now there is some hay around each
of these plants to help hold in the moisture.

I still need to do the cucumbers as well
as the beans and okra, but it was a LOT of work.
I pitchforked (that's a technical term) from
the pile (which was not loose but well packed
and kind of all stuck together and also had a LOT
of dirt in it) into a wagon and then 
dragged it over to the row I was working on
and then picked it up by hand and tucked it around
the base of each plant.
(I sprayed REALLY well for ticks first!)

After about 5 hours I had all the squash done.
And then I loaded up the gas cans and
went to the service station in town and got
some gas for the generator and diesel for
the tractor (neither are OUT, but I want to
have some on hand...) and then I went
to the house and took a nice cool shower
and took a NAP.

(I have been taking a lunch in my little
insulated lunch bag - today I had a ham and
cheese sandwich, some baby carrots and
a fruit snack.)


I just finished teaching tonight's class.
Half way through I forgot I raised up my
chair and when I went to stand up,
my armrest got caught under the desk
and flipped my 2nd computer monitor onto the floor.
I got it all hooked up again, but it wouldn't
show my presentation, so I had to sort of
fumble my way through the final 2 hours.
But we got it done.
And everybody was nice about it.

And now....
I'm off to bed.

Tomorrow it's back to watering again,
but I'll probably keep moving hay while
the water  is going on a different part of the garden.
Gotta get it all done, since they aren't
predicting any rain again until the weekend.
And even then, its hit or miss.
July and Aug are NOT big rain event months usually.
(Unlike you AZ guys who are mid-monsoon season...)

1 comment:

rktucson said...

That we are! Plenty of rain, but lately just lots of thunder and lightning.