Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunday Talk, Calling, Etc

 My talk went well.
There was a youth speaker before me.
They announced him and nothing happened.
And nothing happened.
And finally he walked to the stand and
leaned into the Bishop and said
"I've got nothing. I forgot!"
So, of course, the Bishop suggested he
simply share his testimony.
So that took about a minute and a half.

Luckily I had simply planned to introduce
us and then tell Rhoda Chase's story.
And a story can be as long or as short
as your audience is engaged in it.

I spoke for, probably 20 minutes or so.
The congregation was engaged,
the Spirit was there.
There were tears.
(Aren't there always?)

And then Sister Moore and her son
sang "Whenever I Hear the Song of a Bird".
Which made me cry again.
(She is the Gospel Doctrine teacher and is moving
this week to Denver.)
I kind of was thinking they might call me to replace her.

And then another brother from WaKeeney spoke.
He started by calling out numbers 1 thru 4.
As he called a number, a voice in the congregation
said loudly "I believe in God, the Eternal Father,
in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
I AM a child of God."
It was really powerful.
(He's a high councilman, so after he told me its
not "traditional" to have congregation participation,
but he gets away with stuff cuz he's 
high council. Hahahaha.)

Then we went to Sunday School.
And during class the 1st C in the Bishopric
called me out to extend a calling.

I was wrong.
I'm a Primary worker.
Next week after I'm sustained I'll spend 2nd
hour doing some training and learning 
about my class.
Little kids are not my jam.
But we grow where we are planted.

After church the "Sister Sisters" came by to visit.
Dina has allergies to fragrances, so we sat
on the front step. (It's been gorgeous weather all 
week, so it was still nice and cool-ish.)
We had a nice visit.

And then I went in to bake some raisin bread.

I'm heading out to the farm.
Not sure how much I'll get done today.
It's heavy overcast again, so that means
the solar pump on the well won't be
working today.
But I'll at least get 2 tanks. Maybe 3.
Which is all I do anyway.
And then I need to teach tonight.

I think Kyle might be heading this way today.
He'll be driving his VW Golf.
It's old.

So again, I'm asking for prayers.
I'll keep you posted on his progress.
(He turned his battery on "saver" mode,
so it doesn't update as often on Google Locator.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Sounds like a great meeting. Prayers for you in your new calling (and you are great with kids- even if they are not your favorite) Prayers also for Kyle and his travels! Now if your house would only SELL!