Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday - ONE WEEK

 It's been a week since Kyle left.

And I'm doing OK.
I think I've got the farm stuff mostly figured out.
Yesterday the tractor did a "regen" (which is when
you turn the revs WAAAAY up and let it burn off
all the carbon build up.)
Suddenly all kinds of lights start blinking
on the dash - I was pretty sure I broke something.
But a quick call to Kyle (and noticing the sign
that is RIGHT THERE that explains it and what to do...)
it was simple.

Last night, well, this morning about 2:30 I was
woken by 2 sonic booms - except I'm not in
Florida where that is common - it just means a
rocket is coming in to land.
I realized it was actually thunder,
so I pulled up my weather app and saw that it 
was raining out at the farm too.

Which means I turned off my alarm and slept in.
It was nice! (I was really tired...)
It was lovely, cool, and overcast this morning.
(Expected high only 91!)
I puttered around until about 9:00.
*We have a solar pump on the well out there
and it doesn't do much when its overcast...

Yesterday it was 105 out there.
Probably why I was so tired last night.
(I kept just closing my eyes while I was teaching...
good thing I didn't nod off!)

This morning I finally got out there around 9:30.
It was lovely out there! 
The neighbor was harvesting his wheat.
I forgot to take a picture.

I did some more weeding and watering.
I only ran 2 tanks of water.
The ground was nice and moist and I had
other stuff I needed to do.

As I was leaving, I noticed the neighbor's
calves were out on the road.

The Moms were all in their pasture, keeping an eye on them.
I called the guy who used to rent our pasture,
he said they belonged to Troy and he'd come get them.
About the time I was leaving, I saw him pull up on
his side-by-side and they herded right up.
I didn't stick around.

And when I pulled into WaKeeney there was a rogue
calf on the wrong side of HIS fence as well!
Calves. They are so silly.


Also yesterday, the county came by and grated
our farm road. That was MUCH appreciated!
There were lots of rain ruts.
It's nice and smooth now and my tractor
is much happier.
(Looking at that picture of our road
reminded me...)\

Anyhow (again).

I got home, brought in the trash can,
tossed my new shorts (Amazon delivery) in the 
washing machine, 
updated the home owner's insurance 
(new roof = lower premium!)
and installed my printer.
Finally figured out why it hadn't been working,
and it's all good now.
So I printed Rhoda Chase's life story for my
talk this weekend.
And now...
I think I'll eat an ice cream sandwich.

And while I was working at the farm,
a guy showed up and put a for sale sign
directly across the road.

But I think we probably have enough land.
For now.

How could I forget????
Yesterday, I found our FIRST ZUCCHINI!

It's still just a baby, but I'm so excited!
Good to know we can grow SOMETHING here.
(Besides weeds. We are expert at that...)

He even has a buddy!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Love the garden stuff that's growing!!