Saturday, January 26, 2013

A day of Surprises!

Yesterday was a day full of surprises!

I came home from work and found THESE...

My darling husband bought me some beautiful pink roses.
And they smell marvelous!!!

Then I headed out to feed the horses.
I guess I let the chickens out too early in the day.
One of them wasn't "done"...

This is what the hay room looks like in our barn.

Look a little closer....

Yup, an EGG!
In my hay wagon!
Silly girl.

And then we got a call from Rod's brother Tim.
Dad fell and knocked himself out.
He was up at the E.R. and they were admitting him for observation overnight.

So we got cleaned up and headed up to the hospital.
He's got a knot on his head that looks a lot like one of the girl's eggs.

They think he stood up, and since his blood pressure was low (60/30)
he passed out and fell.
Which is good, because he didn't try to break his fall, so there are no broken bones.

Tim's daughter, Courtney is a CNA at the hospital and was luckily home.
And his home health nurse was there as well.
And Tim had hernia surgery earlier this week, so he was there too.
So lots of people to take care of him, right away.
(And then 911 sent 4 firemen and 2 EMTs...)

This morning his blood pressure is up a little, but still low.
His sodium levels are still way too low.
The doctor is concerned about his heart and kidneys,
so there will be Cardiologists and Neurologists and
who knows what other kinds of ologists.....

But for now he's eating his lunch and feeling a little better.

Prayers would be appreciated.

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