Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

2013 is here.

It came in quietly.
Rod was working.
Jim and Sabrina were at a party.
Kyle and I were sitting on the couch watching TV.
Kyle went outside at midnight and let off a couple of firecrackers.

Rod called to wish us Happy New Year.
Jim and Sabrina came home.
And we went to bed.

This morning I'm making some bacon in the oven.
*The BEST way to cook bacon.

Then I'll fry up some fresh eggs.
And bake some biscuits.

Then I think Kyle and I (and anybody else who is up) are going for a walk in the woods.
We might ride the horses,
but it's a beautiful day,
so there will probably be a bunch of bikes out there.

So maybe we'll just take a dog (or 2) for a walk.

Have a WONDERFUL day
And a Fabulous New year!

2013 - Bring it on!

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