Sunday, January 6, 2013

SO Spoiled!!!

Yes, I am spoiled.
And I freely admit it.

(and I'm getting more and more spoiled all the time...)

Last year my Mom and Dad gave me an awesome iPod for Christmas.
It has definitely made it on my "favorite things" list.
I love to use it to take pictures.
And I LOVE to have my music with me wherever I go.
Several years ago I bought a little mini speaker thingie.
It zips open so you can put your mp3 player inside.
My iPod fits in there.
And it hangs nicely on my saddle.
But it's getting a little old and the sound is getting crackly.

So this year I got myself (and Rod and Sabrina) a little "Cube".
It looks like a little cube, but plugs into your iPod (etc) and works as a 
pretty good quality speaker.

Great for hanging off your pocket or belt loop or saddle.

But then, for Christmas this year,
Mom and Dad for me (and Rod) a super fabulous docking station/speaker system
for my iPod.

WOW!  What amazing sound!
I put it in the kitchen and rock out the house.

It's portable, so sometimes I take it down to the barn if I'm hanging out watching the chickens.

But BOY did I miss it when I was in my hotel room this weekend!
I've always loved listening to my iPod.
But now I'm so spoiled!
My poor little iPod sounded so tinny!

Tonight I have it in my bedroom.
I'm listening to John Schmidt's "Hymns Without Words" and
totally rocking (loud) (it has a remote control jobbie)
to "Praise To The Man" and "Come Come Ye Saints".
My two favorites!

Meanwhile, it's probably 75.
I have the window open.
The ceiling fan going.
It's January.

I am SO spoiled.
And I love it!


rktucson said...

I have the same unit (they asked me for my advise). I love mine too! I listen to my books on tape outside by the pool (in the warmer weather) and my workout music outside too - and I listen to my music anywhere I want with it (in the garage, back yard, front yard, bedroom, bathroom, etc.!) and like you said, it's pretty portable so I can move it with me from room to room if I'm house cleaning or something. And it DOES have really good sound for such a nice compact thing! I'm glad you like it!

Collette said...

I love that I can carry it around! I wish I could listen to it in the bathroom in the mornings when I get ready for work, but Rod has usually just finally gotten to bed... So I take it to the barn instead. LOL