Tuesday, January 8, 2013


My (day job) company was purchased by our insurance company.
February 15 in the last day for our company.
After 43 years.

February 16 we start over again as a new company.
So this week we all had to do "transitional" procedures.

Which basically meant fill out a bunch of papers,
Have a new picture taken for badges,
Give FIVE vials of blood
And a urine sample.

Then provide documentation.
Drivers license.
Social Security card.
Proof of citizenship (or in my case, resident alien card)

proof of education.

We are a medical practice,
so it makes sense they would want to see nurses degrees,
doctors licenses,


They want High School Diplomas.


Henry Wise Wood High School
in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
does not have a data bank that goes back to 1977.

(I know this, because I spoke with them today.)

So I mailed a request to
Education Alberta.

They promised it would be processed within a week of receipt.
Here's hoping!


rktucson said...

And your green card?

Collette said...

Yup, my peach colored green card. lol

rktucson said...

wow - is it old? Or did you get a new one? Does that one expire? Mine does - NEXT year! (2014) Trying to decide if I should work on getting my citizenship in 2013 or just re-do the old Res-Alien again! lol

Collette said...

I came in just under the cutoff, so I'm grandfathered in. Mine doesn't expire. But I'm kicking around getting citizenship as well. (On the other hand, sometimes north of the border sounds like a good escape! lol)