Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Today is my big sister's birthday.
I have two sisters older than me
And I have one sister younger than me.
(And a sister-in-law younger too...)

Our family is a little "girl heavy".
Sorry Gary!

Anyhow - today is my big sister's birthday.
(It's not polite to say my Biggest, since she's pretty darn svelte, nor is it 
ok to say my Oldest, since... well... whatever.)


She sent me some GORGEOUS pictures today.
So I'm sharing them with you.

She lives at the polar opposite end of the world from me.
In a beautiful, winter wonderland.

She has taken up snow shoeing!

In the SNOW.

It really is beautiful.
I like it best just like this.
In a photo.
I can look at, while sitting under a ceiling fan.
Cuz it's hot in here. 


1 comment:

Rozann said...

Sondra and I are reading through all your posts and laughing our heads off! Too fun! Thanks for sharing all your talent!
We're living on the edge of the continent - like you - only the other edge!