Thursday, January 3, 2013


I don't often do the whole "new year resolutions" thing.
I prefer to do shorter goal setting.
More likely to succeed.

A number of years ago, I set a couple of goals
And then at the end of each month I would journal on my progress.
That seemed to work pretty well for me.

So this year I'm resurrecting my journal.
I haven't done one in quite some time.
I got lazy and started using my daytimer as my "journal".
Recording my daily activity, but no thoughts.

I'm shooting for a quick nightly entry.
Including ONE gratitude thought.
I have so much to be thankful for.
I find myself tossing quick "Thank You" prayers throughout the day.
But it can't hurt to write them down!
Especially as we head into some challenging times.

Today I am grateful for the opportunity to brighten another's day.

As I was leaving WalMart this evening,
there was a traffic snarl in the parking lot.
A truck trying to leave possibly bumped a customer's cart, or maybe 
the customer himself.
I didn't see it.
Just the aftermath.
The gentleman was VERY upset.
Yelling at the truck as it drove away.
Tossing his last few bags into the back of his vehicle.
Shoving the basket out of the way.
Harumphing into his seat.

As I passed, I glanced into his basket and noticed a bank bag.
I grabbed it and waited for him to open his door.
(It felt like it had quite a bit of cash/papers in it...)
He was SO thankful to have it back!

I was grateful to be able to change what had been a bad experience for him,
into one that put a smile on his face.

One down.
362 left to go.

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