Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Coming Up for Air

It's so FUN now that Rozann
has her own blog!
I love checking it out every day
to see what is going on in her life!!!

Good job Rozie!


Yesterday I was SOOOOO tired.
When I woke up (to my alarm clock)
I seriously didn't know where I was
for a minute.
Thought I was still in my hotel.
And then I fell back to sleep.

My alarm (iPod) is set for 6:00
and again for 6:20 for just such emergencies.

But about 6:19,
Rod came in (as is his habit)
and said "Are you getting awake?"

I opened my eyes and looked at the
bedroom door, expecting to see him
standing there in the glow of the hall light.

But the door was still closed!

I'm so tired I'm hallucinating!!!

And then he called out to me again.
And I realized he had come in through the
OTHER door on the other side
of the room.
We have a "tack room" / catch all on that
side of the house with beautiful
leaded french doors (covered by black-out curtains)
(hailing back to when he was working nights)

He was standing there.

I was SO confused!


After work I came home and remembered that
we were having the Elders over for dinner.
I just couldn't make myself think about what to cook.
And then Rod checked the calendar and it said
I was scheduled to attend the Trails and Greenways
meeting that night at 6 at Town Hall.
(I'm Vice Chair, so I can't really blow it off...)
So he ordered pizza.

And the meeting (despite having EIGHTEEN agenda items)
ended in record time of one hour and 10 minutes!

We got to bed early.
And today I feel pretty good!

In other news...
There has been a rumor circulating that I am
cutting back on my teaching.

I would like to validate that rumor now.

I keep saying it.
And then I keep teaching.

But this time it is FOR REALS.

In fact, I was supposed to be teaching
in West Palm Beach the final weekend
of this month and the first weekend of 
October before our trip west.

But somehow the class never got scheduled.

When I talked to my boss, he apologized
and said he could squeeze it in.
And I said, in a wimpy, weak, exhausted voice
"Ok, if you think that's best"

He caught the tremor in my voice
and said



Last month was officially my final
month of marathon teaching!

The lady I have been covering for came back.
And I am happy to announce that I am
only teaching ONE CLASS PER MONTH!
(Well, two weekends, but whatever...)


1 comment:

rktucson said...

I'm still not nearly as good as you at posting - and certainly not as entertaining! But I am enjoying it - thanks for getting me started.
I'm so glad to hear you are down to ONE class/month (2 weekends) lol
Did you get to see my videos yet?