Wednesday, September 7, 2016


If you don't know yet,
Rozann has a new blog.

Check it out!
She's a great writer!

Yesterday she posted a "tribute"
to Mom and Dad's home.
Where we all grew up.


So I decided to steal them
(the pictures)
and focus on them this week.

So this week we are talking about
the basement.

This isn't what it looked like when I grew up.
The fireplace didn't have the pretty insert.
And there was a rust / orange hide-a-bed.
It was
but pretty comfy!
(Ok, except for the bar, but when you are
little and only weigh 60 pounds you don't
notice it much...)

And it was more "two rooms" than one big
room since the flooring changed from one
room to the next.
There was carpet in front of the fireplace
and tile floor on the other side.
There was a piano where the TV sits now.
Back then, the TV was right at the bottom
of the stairs (to the right of the photo)

There was also a beautiful
tall black vase / urn thing that Uncle Chuck made.
(We had lots of his pottery!)
It held some cattails Mom found on a car ride.

And one day,
they BLEW!
The pretty little velvet sausages popped
open spewing white fluffy mess everywhere.
Darn it.
(I don't remember if Mom had a hay fever 
reaction or not - but I'll bet she did!)

Also, please notice the ONE lonely log in the
firewood bin.
This is because they no longer have 5 little
"willing" helpers who were tasked with
carrying logs from the wood pile
down the 13 long, slippery, scary
steps to the basement multiple times
throughout the winter.

In the summer the wood pile was home to
scary things like DADDY LONG LEGS!

In the winter the wood pile was covered in
ice and snow, requiring that you chip it out
first before you could load up.
(Load up being a relative term - please see
above note about weighing 60 pounds...)

I was pretty proud when I moved up from 3 logs
to 4.  (Logs being a relative term...
Dad split all the logs into quarters...
otherwise it didn't burn and his wimpy daughters
couldn't carry them...)

The painted deck and the painted porch steps
were SLICK!  Even when not covered in 
ice and snow.
(Cuz the bottoms of your boots quickly
loaded up with ice and packed snow.)
It was like an ice rink.

"Please fill the wood box"
struck fear into my heart for YEARS.

But BOY OH BOY we loved those

ie:  Sunday night after church usually
meant a fire, pink lemonade and popcorn.


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