Thursday, September 22, 2016

Puppy School

We have enrolled Bandit in Puppy School.

Our next door neighbor does agility training
with her two Carolina Hounds.
Her trainer is really good.

So, we decided to check it out.

(there are no pictures...)
(we were busy)

I guess this isn't "puppy season"
since we were the only ones there.
$15 for an hour of totally
personalized, individual instruction.
And she is really good.

We learned how to help
Bandit learn to not jump up.
(Rod doesn't mind, but it 
makes me nuts - mostly because
I wear dress pants and he wears
uniform shorts...)
(And I worry about all the people
we have come visit the farm.
Most people don't enjoy having a
strange dog jump up on them...)


She did really well.
(She already knows not to jump on me...)
(She sometimes forgets though)

(Today is an "aside" kind of day, I guess...)

We also worked on sit (she's already good at that)
down (picked that up quickly)
stand, come, and touch my hand with your nose.
(Early target training)

It's hard to expect much with a 5 month old
who is a total bundle of energy.
But she did well.
Until the other dogs showed up for the 
agility class.
Then we weren't NEARLY as interesting
as they were.

That's ok though.
We got a good start.

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