Thursday, September 8, 2016

How Do You Like Your Coffee???

I was listening to the radio the other day.
There was an ad for something or other playing
and they said

How do you like your coffee?

And my brain immediately answered


I haven't thought of that in YEARS!
I remember loving them.
So today on Facebook I saw another ad.
This one for an Expack.
A monthly delivery service that sends
expats a box of stuff from your home country 
each month.
And in the picture, there was a coffee crisp
bar sticking out of the corner.

I've been gone for so long that the only
things I recognized in the box were 
Coffee Crisp and Kit Kat.

So I went to my trusty Amazon page.
And sure enough, there it was!

Whoooo mama they are expensive!
But then as I scrolled down,
there were my beloved Aero bars!

And then
fingers trembling
I tried for the Holy Grail.

So.....  while Rod and Rozann are in
Calgary next month,
they have a homework assignment.

(Even though I'm working really hard to
stay sugar free...)
But hey.
It's Big Turk!
(Well, and Coffee Crisp and Aero...)



rktucson said...

Great! now I have to compete with YOUR amazing writings! Not gonna happen. Anyone that I have told about my blog I have also added "it is kind of like a journal for me, so NO JUDGMENTS ALLOWED"

That is not only for the content, which may or may not be as YOU remember it, but also the quality! (do NOT compare to Collette's blog!)"

You are an amazingly entertaining writer! I just say it how it is LoL (or how I remember it! LoL)

Collette said...

Haha. That's how I write too. My grammar is atrocious, but I write "steam of conscious". I think it and it appears on the page. People who say it takes hours to write a blog post are working too hard. Lol