Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Hey, we got Hay!

The cows love their hay.
So do the horses.
Except Buddy.
He doesn't like hay.
He likes grass.
Or re hydrated alfalfa cubes.
But not hay.


The cows love their hay.
And they eat quite a bit.
Kyle built them a nice shelter
that they could stand under
and enjoy the shade.

And then Rod put a roll of hay
under there.
And they LOVED it.

But they made quite a mess.
Especially Sir.
Who thought he could stand on top of it.
*he couldn't - but he tried...

We have been buying round rolls and leaving
them in the barn and then pitch forking a bunch
into our little red wagon and taking it out there.

But since we are getting ready to be gone
for a couple of weeks, 
we always try to simplify our (already pretty simple)
system for the ease of those who have
graciously agreed to take care of the animals.

Rod had an idea.
And then he bought all the stuff.
(That was an adventure in itself...)

Then between the roof leaking
and the dog eating a thumb tack
and various other distractions,
his idea got moved to the back burner.

This weekend he made the time
to focus on his brilliant hay trailer idea.

Check it out!
A trailer that just perfectly fits
a full roll of hay!
And can be pulled by the 4-wheeler.

Nifty, eh?

Rod and his helper bringing
a roll of hay out to the
"patiently" waiting cows.

Moon, enjoying her new feast!
(Sir is on the other side)

They are VERY happy.

Rod told me this morning that the cows
weren't standing by the gate this morning
demanding their morning grain.

They were both contentedly laying in the
pasture, chewing their cud,
content, happy, FAT.

Thanks darling!

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