Friday, April 5, 2019

Tucson, Day 2

Soni flew in last night!
Rozann came over and we visited until
it was time for her to go pick her up.

I woke up this morning and did a workout
and then made a big bowl of oatmeal.
Took a quick shower and got cleaned up.
By that time, Sondra had come over to 
Nancy's and then Mom drove over,
so everybody ended up over here
for a nice visit in my little living room.

Then we headed over to M&D's.
Dad was finishing their taxes, so we "helped"
and then he headed off to the post office
and we sat around and knit little 
kitchen scrubbies and visited.
Moved outside to the pretty back yard.
And then decided to go shopping
and out to lunch.

Nancy took us to this really neat little neighborhood.
Every house had this awesome courtyard
behind these beautiful doors.

There were lots of balconies,
cool windows,
the whole place was really beautiful!

I loved this place's outside lights.
Very industrial but so cool!

Then we walked over to a little market
and walked through some really eclectic little
shops while waiting for Michelle and the boys.

Once they got there we ordered a whole
variety of really yummy mexican tacos
and quesadillas and aqua frescas (fruit juices).

The boys got to share one.
They were so darling!

And then we walked on down the street
to an entire complex made of shipping containers!

There were shops and offices and restaurants...
it was really creative!

We did some browsing and then took a little sit down
while Sondra and Nancy went through a couple
more shops and then they went and got the car.

All of Tucson is in bloom!
A beautiful tree we saw on the way home.

We each went to our respective houses
and took a little rest. Mom and Sondra made a
big pot of spaghetti sauce and brought it over 
to Nancy's house and we had a lovely dinner
out in their ramada in the back yard.
There was much story telling and laughing
and more stories and more laughing...
It was GREAT!
And now we are all heading off to bed.

We are calling ourselves the Q-Tips.
And perhaps someday I will learn to
take a decent selfie.
But I'm not holding my breath.

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