Monday, January 27, 2020


A couple of weeks ago, when Kyle
was in town, he cut down a bunch
of old dead trees, dug a BIG trench,
and filled it with the trees and
other random wood laying around
in the VERY back pasture.

No before pictures.


This weekend he got to be here
for a day or two.
Rod and I drove up to the ranch on Saturday,
loaded up his furniture
and he loaded up his trailer with a
bunch of hay for the town farm
and we headed south.
(The ranch truck is having mechanical
issues - we brought up a new part
that he installed, but the other problem
requires a diagnostic computer...)

Sunday afternoon he decided
to light the wood on fire and
see what happened.
(The trench is half full of water, so
he wasn't confident anything would happen...)

It burned really well!

It was smoky... but it burned.
(This is after a couple of hours...)

We pulled up some chairs and enjoyed it.

Tip your head to the right and look in the middle of the fire.
See the cat?

At the bottom of the pile
(or at least a couple of layers down...)
there was a PVC pipe.
Once that caught on fire, the flames
were really pretty!
Toxic... but pretty!
(So we made sure to stay up wind...)

Rod went out and poured water on it
and made sure it was out before
he went to bed.
This morning we checked it again 
before Kyle had to head back up north.
He will be home next Monday for a couple
of weeks... months... who knows...
and he'll put some more wood in there
for Bonfire 2.0

And then he'll push all the dirt back in the hole.


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