Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

It was a BUSY day today!
Rod continued with his home improvements.
The back door into our tack room was
never right. We replaced the door this
summer, but it wasn't framed in right
so that was the project he tackled today.
He had to grind through inches and inches
of stucco that Bill (previous owner) put on.
And then figure out what silly thoughts
Bill was thinking when he built this room.
(Bill was the KING of building stuff
in the middle of the night so he didn't
need to pull a permit...
One day there was a patio, the next there
was a ROOM!)
(kind of)


It was a much bigger project than he thought,
but its nearly done and good enough to get
him through until the weekend.

Meanwhile, I swept and mopped all
the floors in the house,
took down the Christmas tree
and all the decorations on the barn / front gate.
And then I hit the kitchen.

I just learned how to make "Wonder Wraps"
(a trim healthy recipe) on my fancy griddle
so today I made a double batch and they
turned out really well!
I'm getting better at making them round!

While those were cooking I was also doing
a big batch of black beans in my pressure 
cooker - my freezer stash was GONE so 
it was time to refill it.

And then I made a nice big "sheet pan dinner".
It's ready to eat... here's hoping its good.
Chicken thighs on top of roasted
brussel sprouts and cauliflower with bacon.

I forgot to mention Kyle made soap for
his Christmas gifts this year!
The green birchwood one smells especially yummy!
And it's shea butter, so it's pretty awesome.

This morning he, Jim and Jim's friend Tom went
down to Wabaso (on the river by Vero Beach)
and went fishing.
They didn't catch any fish.
Jim caught a crab.
But they had a GREAT TIME getting
away from work.
Both Jim and Kyle work WAY too many 
hours each week.
So it was a welcome break.

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