Friday, January 17, 2020


One of my monthly goals is to make and
then stick to a grocery budget.
It was payday today so I put $200 in 
the grocery account
and then I headed to Walmart.

We have a freezer FULL of meat.
But we are running very low on veggies...

Here was my "haul" for today.

Mandarin oranges (we eat them like candy...)
Raspberries and wild blueberries for
"Cottage Berry Whip".
Splurged on a bag of frozen diced avocados.
We'll see if I ever buy them again...
And frozen asparagus spears for the air fryer.
3 bags of fine green beans
a bag of brocoli florets (I have 4 more in the freezer)
2 bags of mixed vegetables
2 bags frozen sweet peas.

2 bags of the ever present cut okra
2 tubs of fat free cottage cheese 
(for the aforementioned cottage berry whip)
a dozen eggs - the girls have started laying
but Rod has been selling them at work
2 cans of diced petite tomatoes
2 cans mild rotel knock-off
a bag of wild/black rice
(for chicken and wild rice soup this weekend,
we are expecting a cold front... SOUP!)
5# of parboiled brown rice
ranch dressing (Rod's preferred dressing)
blue cheese dressing (my preferred dressing)
a 6 pack of raspberry flavored sugar free sparkling water
(an experiment...)

Not pictured - 2 jugs of unsweetened almond milk.
12 cans of wet dog food 

And then the non-food items:
a box of 5 hour energy for Rod
dish washing liquid
dish washer cleaner tablets
Lysol toilet bowl cleaner.

Total $119.23

Not bad, I'm hoping it will last us until next payday.
Except for the almond milk.
And the eggs... we'll see - I use Walmart eggs
for Rod's egg salad but like to use our eggs
if I'm making fried or scrambled.

Wish me luck!

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