Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Babies Have Moved, AGAIN...

Rod called me yesterday.

Him:  "Where are the babies?"

Me:  "In the rabbit hutch, where you put them..."

Him:  "The hutch is empty."

Me:  crickets...

Looks like the local raccoons discovered the babies.
And they are, no more.

Last night Kyle and Jim went hunting.
They saw 4 raccoons on the property.
But their pellet gun wasn't sighted in properly.

But tonight...

Watch out Rocky Raccoon et al!


rktucson said...

Oh dear! Did they tear the cage apart? How'd they get in it?

Collette said...

It was an older rabbit hutch that I kept the other babies in, but it WAS up on the patio, right by the door. Now it's down in the fenced garden, under an oak tree. I thought the girls might be too young to be out there, they were doing a lot of "peeping" (basically calling somebody to come eat them) but they STINK and I wanted them out of my house. We are going to build a bigger brooder/grow out pen before we try again...