Saturday, April 18, 2020

April Showers... FINALLY!

We are getting more lovely rain!

Kyle and I dashed out to the garden
(we have a little garden table now!)
and planted a bunch of new lavender,
chamomile and ... something I can't remember
the real name of but we call them
feather dusters...
from seed!
We used 3 of our gazillions of egg cartons.
Poked a drain hole in the bottom
(with an ice pick)
and filled them with potting soil.

These seeds make YEAST look big!

"Plant 3 seeds in each hole".

We want to have flowers all around
the edges of the garden.
Beauty and to attract pollinators.

Jim stopped by yesterday after work
and toured the garden.
We decided to pick the (3) lemons
off the lemon tree to give it a better 
chance to grow this year.
And we are debating whether to do the
same with the orange tree. (8)

We walked out and took a look at the mango tree.
I got it from a co-worker - 7 or 8 years ago.
It's been through several hurricanes,
eaten by several cows,
but this year (finally) we have.... oh, approximately...
9,847,386 mangos.
I don't actually like mangos.
Jim said... huh. I don't either.
But then I've never had one fresh right off
the tree - probably a whole different fruit!


Rod worked this morning but he is home now.
It's nice to have him here!
We'll probably sit on the couch together and
take a nap.

Have a beautiful Saturday!

First bud on Kyle's rose bush after the 
"Great Cow Escape"

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