Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Masks Etc

I ventured out for my first 
SENIOR shopping trip at Walmart.
(Our's opens 6-7 am for 60+)
(I needed my thyroid refill. And dog food.)

I was appropriately gloved and masked up.
We have a box of N95 masks the church
issued the guys when they were doing
hurricane clean-up in Key West.


It added yet another reason to be in awe of
our amazing health care professionals.
These are AWFUL!

I'm NOT a mouth breather.
But the whole time I was wearing this
thing I kept finding myself breathing
through my mouth - which I hate.
It's not healthy to breathe through your mouth.
(That's why HF put all those nifty filters
in your nasal passages!)
AND I couldn't keep my darn glasses on!


I got in, got what I needed, and got out.

Rod had an appointment with his eye doctor.
He had laser surgery on his glaucoma eye
six weeks ago and it was time to check to see
if it worked.
They called and cancelled because its not an emergency.
But I think his eye looks WAAAY worse.
It looks like a balloon that is over-inflated.
So I called and got him another appointment.

He went in this morning.
Before his surgery his pressure was 16.
This morning is was TEN!
The Dr. said his eye looks great (all considered)
and the reason it looks bad is the other eye lid
is starting to droop quite a bit so it looks bigger...


We started with this beautiful full moon.

Pretty enough to warrant TWO pictures.

Also... please note the dump truck is NOT
on the back patio!
Kyle got it all finished up yesterday!!!!
It's going back to the farm today.

Stay healthy.
Stay positive.
Stay strong.

This just popped up on my "Nextdoor Neighborhood" page.
I guess it could be worse...

And Sam just shared this on my FB page...


1 comment:

rktucson said...

Great post - I saw this last picture that Sam posted too! pretty funny eh?