Saturday, April 4, 2020

Zoom Master (HA!)

I have been shut up in my "office"
Ok, Jim's bedroom...
for the past YEAR.
Ok, 2 days.
Or is it 3???


I hosted my first live webinar on
Friday morning and actually had 19
students show up for class!
Not bad for 4 hours of insurance stuff...

Then last night I co-hosted Lawrence's webinar.
Good thing I was there, his screen froze and I
had to take over for a couple of minutes...

And then this morning I popped into our
Spanish instructor's class just to observe
and she was doing it DIFFERENT!

She had her iPad hooked up along with her
laptop, so she could show the presentation on
her iPad (which is WAY easier to write on...)
and had her Q&A and Chat windows open on
her laptop so she could teach AND answer 
questions at the same time!
(Plus the iPad has a better White Board than
Zoom does - and I already have saved stuff
that I can use...)

As soon as I saw that, I jumped on with my other
instructor / friend Lillian, and we set up a practice
webinar and tried it out!
(Rod had to come close my door because we were
squealing... lol)


Tonight at 6:00 I'll be hosting my 2nd Zoom webinar.
and I'm going to try it the way she did it.
(Fingers Crossed!!!)

This is NOT me, obviously.
This is Lawrence, and what I was looking
at on my screen last night.
Well, I was also an "attendee" on my phone so I
could raise my hand when he asked questions
(he only had 4 students and only 1 was participating)
All those other names on the participant screen
are other instructors - most logged in and wandered off...
I was also following along on MY presentation
on my iPad.
So I had 3 different devices open.
Plus Lillian kept texting me (she was watching too)
and then my boss Dan popped in and started texting
me, so I was trying to flip back and forth between
texting and raising my hand ... sometimes I wasn't
fast enough and he got a bit discouraged that there
wasn't more participation.
But I tried!

I slept WELL last night!

I had a large morning class, but honestly am not
expecting a huge class this evening.
People have better things to do on a Saturday evening. 


That (hopefully) explains the radio silence.
I'm not teaching again until Wed evening...
so I promise to check back in on Monday.
Or even Sunday.
We'll see...

Caught the last 20 minutes of the morning session.
It was good!

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