Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Nightmare (and Blog) Fodder

Today, one of Kyle's and my 
came true!

Yes, friends, that IS a snake.
In the house.
In the office.
In a room where it is impossible to
get in front of the thing without
scaring it under one of the freezers
or into one of the myriad piles of stuff
where it could hide and then
slither out in the dead of night and
right up into our beds.

Because you KNOW that's what it wants to do.

Thankfully Kyle was home.
(And saw it!)
And was brave enough to go out and
grab the garden hoe,
stand OUTSIDE of the room,
S T R E T C H  into the room with the hoe
and SLICE it in half.

Sorry dude.
We don't kill you when you are in YOUR habitat,
(well, I don't... Kyle? Another story...)
but all's fair when you slither into ours.

I spared you the "after" photo.
He left me to deal with it.

It was just a tiny garter snake.
And I'm sorry we had to dispatch it.

I leave you (and me) with a better picture.

A pallet cleanser if you will.
We've been having several overcast / rainy days
so this was the first sunset in a couple of days.
And it was a doozy!

(And yes, the patio doors are still open.
And yes, we DID have a serious talking to
with the dogs - LOUSY GUARD DOGS!)
(They were laying on the patio when the
intruder just slithered on past them...)

One of these days we are planning to screen in the
patio. Not THIS day... but SOON.

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