Thursday, April 30, 2020

Kyle's New Adventure

That guy just never stops!

This week he has a NEW toy.
(Thank goodness for rental companies!)

Yup, that's Kyle, up in a cherry picker.
He is trimming all the (200+) palm trees
on the city farm.

It goes REAAALLLY high!
That's pretty much the whole farm!
The little shed is the new feed shed.
Behind and to the left is the small
cattle working facility he built.
Behind the shed and to the right
is the pond.
It looks MUCH smaller from up there!

Until it starts really raining (or hurricaning)
it kind of IS small...
The sides are a gentle slope and it can almost
double in size when its full.

He took me up, but I wouldn't let him
take me very high.
I'm not a height person.

The ground was far enough away...

There's a LOT of dirt on the property right now.
Once he gets this done
(And Linda gets back with the implements he needs next)
he's going to finish prepping all the dirt
and then they will get some seed in the ground.

Hopefully in 3 or 4 months they will have
LOTS of thick, lush, beautiful grass.
Or at least not pastures full of dirt.

It's raining right now, but the radar says it
will be done for the day in another 45 minutes or so.
And then he'll get back at it.

(His wrists/arms are SORE today - holding that
chain saw outstretched for hours at a time
is really exhausting!)
He's not sad to see the rain.
But he only has the machine until May 5.
Catch 22.

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