Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Garden Update

Our garden is growing!

Ok, the GARDEN is staying the same size.
But the PLANTS are growing!
That first row are beans.
Lots and lots and lots of beans.
And 6-8 cherry tomato plants to the far left.
There are also more pole beans all along
that fence but they are growing a little slower.
Kyle also has 4 lavender, a rosemary, 
a garden sage and a little chamomile that 
keeps getting stepped on.
(It's in a bad spot...)

Then there is a dud row of peas.
We are going to over plant it with onions.
Or something.
It's too late in the season to plant more peas.
(Yes, April is TOO LATE... crazy, eh?)

The next row is zucchini and yellow squash.
We will have enough to feed the world.
But we LIKE eating zucchini and yellow squash.
I usually buy 4-6 each week (and Kyle buys
another 3 or 4) so I don't think we will have
much trouble using them up.
And we'll freeze the rest.

And then we have the row of bell peppers, okra,
and a few carrots.
I inherited Dad's carrot "bad juju".
And passed it down to Kyle.
We don't seem to be getting much growth there.
And we have planted them TWICE.



I spent some time last night in Buddy's stall
with my fancy shedding gloves.
There's half a horse there!

This morning I put Andy out in the sunshine
in the back pasture and spent about 20 minutes
on him. His hair is FINALLY releasing!

Just walked by the barn after checking on
the garden. The pasture has a good number
of various birds gathering horse hair to 
line their spring nests.

I love how Mother Nature works!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Hey, email (or text me) but what are the puppet string things in your garden? :)