Sunday, April 12, 2020

Make Time to Sit

Happy Easter!

We just finished "home church".
Rod and another brother went down to the
mobile home community in our ward boundaries
to provide sacrament to them.
They are all elderly and not going out these days.

We watched an excellent old conference
talk (Pres Uchdorf) from Oct 2010
called Of Things That Matter Most.
All about slowing down in times of stess.
So appropriate for this time.


Yesterday Rod spent the morning cleaning
out the shed, Kyle pressure washed the
front sidewalk and fence boards,
I deep cleaned the bathroom and kitchen.
(Deep cleaned being a relative term...)

Then we spent the afternoon in the garden.

Rod put up a second trellis (puppet string thing)
since what we THOUGHT were bush beans
turned out to also be pole beans!
They needed something to climb!
We are going to have a LOT of beans!
(I can hear my 9 year old self GROANING...)
But my 60 year old self is super excited!

And several yellow squashes!
Tiny yet, but at least they are starting!

Then we brought our chairs up onto the
patio under the ceiling fan and had a sandwich
and some (keto) carrot cake I baked up earlier.

Then Rod got a wild hair and decided to 
build a bench out of the trees he and Kyle
took down several years ago.
They cut them into planks with their
Alaskan chain saw mill.

From this...

to this...

To this...

Rod enjoyed his breakfast out there this morning!

The back is the perfect height and angle.
It's really comfortable!
We haven't decided where we are going
to put it yet.
Next to the garden?
Next to the cows?
Fruit trees?

It's moveable!
Maybe all of the above!!!


That's what we've been up to this Easter weekend.
See y'all tonight on the GIANT FAMILY ZOOM!

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