Thursday, January 25, 2018


We had our ... Meeting formerly known
as Homemaking the other night.
(I don't think it actually has a name anymore...)

They had a class on journaling.
I bought a journal many years ago.
And if you read it, 
I have faithfully written in it,
nearly EVERY New Year's Day.


That's it.

Until this year.
I decided that I had time and I 
had things to say
and I wanted to write them down.
*Mostly I was using it as a food journal
but other thoughts snuck in as well.

I was pretty faithful.
Until I went to the meeting.
And then I stopped dead cold.

So today I dug it out of my drawer
again (it sits in the drawer next to where
I sit on our new couch)
and started writing again.

In the class she suggested focusing on gratitude.
And the acronym she used was GLAD.

I doubt I will follow it strictly.
I prefer to just write.
But it is nice to stop and think of
what I'm grateful for each day.
And what I learned recently.
Especially since I'm not going out
much these days, I can't let my brain
atrophy, I need to keep learning.
And I DO.
But sometimes I forget I learned something!

At the end of a day at home,
I sometimes look around and think
what on earth did I do all day???
So writing down those things I've accomplished
for the day (not just a chore chart)
helps me to feel like I'm not just spinning
my wheels all day long.

It seems like the same thing as gratitude.
So I have decided to define delighted
as those little tiny sparks during the day
that just make you laugh or smile.
You know, those tiny things that DELIGHT you.

The problem is,
when I write a lengthy journal post,
I say everything I wanted to say.
And then I have a terrible time thinking of
anything to say on my blog.

And I definitely do NOT want to let my blog
fall by the wayside.

Cake and eat it too.

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