Saturday, January 20, 2018


You may recall, Rod and Kyle
bought us some fruit trees in the spring.

Two loquats and two peaches.

The two loquats promptly died.

But the peaches looked good.
Until the hurricane.
And then one started looking kind of sad.

But the other one seemed ok.

Naturally they lost all their leaves.
But they were going to anyway.
(hello FALL...)

The other day I noticed THIS!

Is that a peach bud????
There were SEVERAL on the tree.

Hey wait!
That's a PEACH! 

Actually TWO peaches.

And a bright green leaf!

However, Jim the Gardener, already
warned us that you can't let them fruit
for the first two years or it will stunt their growth.

So after I photographed them,
I picked them.

Sad face.

The other tree doesn't seem to have much
activity going on.
But I'm not ready to let them dig it up
quite yet.
Maybe it's just a slow starter....?

Come on little guy!!!!
You can do it!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

That's awesome! and how perrty!
I belong to a FB group called (something like) You know you grew up in Calgary...
and they posted this today:
"A number of us who grew up in the Southwood area were talking about the Medlicott Family and especially Dr. Medlicott. Don't know if any of you know or not but Dr. Hal Medlicott has passed and his funeral is Monday, 1 pm at Southwood United Church. Hope this okay to put this here."