Friday, June 7, 2024

Another Tender Mercy

 I didn't want to tell the story until
it had a happy ending...

Last Thursday as we were driving
across Arkansas, we stopped for fuel.

Then 3 hours later we stopped again.
And that is when I discovered that I
couldn't find my wallet.

I had been wearing some loose fitting
cloth pants to drive in. 
(All about comfort...)
And after we fueled up, I drove over to
the side of the lot by the grass to let
Beau out and give him some water.
In all the moving about, my little
wallet must have fallen out of my pocket.

I immediately jumped online to lock
my credit cards, but I couldn't get on the
site because I was using my hotspot and 
it isn't secure enough for them.
So I called Rod and had him do it for me.

Then he looked up the phone number for
the truck stop we were at.
I gave them a call and they said 
YES, someone turned it in!
They would be happy to mail it to me.

I have been on pins and needles for a week
waiting for it to arrive.
I finally called on Wed. and they said they
just shipped it UPS that day and gave
me a tracking number.
UPS just dropped off the box.

And everything is here, safe and sound!
(Mostly I was worried about my
drivers license - it's hard to get anything
done in a new town without ID!)

But all's well that ends well.


Rod Buffaloe said...

So thankful for honest people!

rktucson said...

ditto Rod! Alls well that ends well!