Wednesday, June 5, 2024

LOTS to Do, Getting It Done!

Yesterday Kyle and I went out to the farm.
He planted a bunch of it the day before.
He has corn, beans, onions, squash
and some other stuff already planted.

He has this nifty tool he bought.
It's got two wheels and in the center there is a
seed hopper with a little plough that opens
the furrow, drops the seed and closes it up.
All you have to do is walk beside it.
He did 2 50' rows in about a minute and a half.
He said it feels like he is cheating!
(It would have taken me about an hour and a half
to plant it by hand...)

He has his water system all set up.
He goes over to the well, fills the tank
(while he lays in the back of the Trooper and
takes a rest...)
And then back to the garden and while it is watering,
he puts in some more rows of seeds.
Rinse and repeat.

While he was doing that, I drove into Hill City to the
storage building and got it all organized.
(OK, not ALL organized... but a little better anyway...)

The washer and dryer were ALL THE WAY  at the back
against the back wall so I had to move a fridge and
two freezers as well as a gazillion boxes.

Then we got them loaded on Kyle's big trailer
and brought them to the house.

I have never been so excited to do laundry!!!

Today I am waiting for a call from the plumber.
We bought a home warranty program, and when we installed
the washer and turned on the taps, they both leaked.
The cold stopped leaking, but the hot didn't.
Hung a bucket - it's a steady drip.
So this morning I went online and requested a visit from
the plumber to fix those and also the kitchen sink faucet leaks.

Monday I took a "before" picture and then I got under
there and disconnected it and was all set to change it out
to the new faucet we bought (after watching a YouTube...)
but the nuts that hold the faucet to the sink are all corroded.
So I'll have him fix that while he is here.

And while I wait for him, I'm going to organize all the boxes
and stuff in the garage so Kyle has some room to park
the lawn mower and also do some work.
We went to Home Depot yesterday and bought some
wood to make a bed frame so my mattress isn't 
on the bedroom floor. I'm too old to get up from
there every morning. (GRIN)
Also we are going to build a small dog yard for Beau.

LOTS to do!
It is beautiful and sunny this morning.
Better get to it!

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