Monday, June 10, 2024

Happy Birthday Kyle!


Yesterday was Kyle's birthday.
I made him some french toast  with the
cinnamon raisin bread I baked on Saturday.
And then we headed into Hays for church.
There was a baptism and also a couple of families
were having a family reunion - when we got there
the parking lot was FULL! We had to park 
along the side.
(The clerk said there were 166 people in Sacrament Mtg.)

The talks were excellent.
And then we split for RS and EQ.
It was a really good meeting - the lesson ended
about 15 minutes early so we spent the final time
talking about blessings and tender mercies.
It was really enjoyable.
These are good people.

There was a Linger Longer after church.
The theme was salad.
We stayed for a bit and visited,
complimented the speakers on their remarks,
and then we headed home for some real food.
(Kyle really wanted nachos for his birthday lunch...)

Saturday we went out to the farm to check
on the garden - nothing coming up yet, but it
is still early days.
And then we drove around the property for a
bit. It's funny that there are still parts of the 
property we haven't even been on yet!

We gathered some beautiful wild flowers
and made a bouquet in my water cup.

And then he took me over to see the
Wild Horse Lake Park.
It's just a few miles up the road from the farm.

It is kind of long and skinny.

It snakes around over 5 or so acres.

And on a really wet year it empties out into a
little creek that actually runs through our property.

At least in theory.
I don't know if we've ever gotten any water on our property from it,
but it's something to look forward to...

We found some mulberry bushes that were absolutely LOADED!

We picked a couple.
They have a very mild, sweet flavor.
The seeds aren't nearly as pronounced as in a blackberry.

We got some good rain Friday and Saturday nights.

Lots of things were in bloom.

It will all die back and be brown eventually,
but right now it is so beautiful and green.

The flowers are still looking pretty.

And this morning the town sent around a crew of guys

to gather up the tree debris from the storm Friday night.
My neighbor, Christa, came over last night to let
us know to pile it up by the curb.
(We had it out in the alley where they usually pick
up the compost - but we don't have one of those bins yet...)
She said they don't always do it, but her Mom has
an in with the people at the top and told her
they were coming around today.
That was nice!

Kyle is out at the farm planting fruit trees.
And I'm puttering around here doing stuff,
putting off calling all the students on my list
I'm supposed to phone today.
And then I teach tonight.

We are settling in.


rktucson said...

You have paddle cactus- just like us!

Ed Bayba said...

Collette, I am so happy for you all. We just love your property. Miss you all tons.