Monday, June 17, 2024


 My co-instructor, Beth, is on a fabulous
vacation in EUROPE for 3 weeks.
Which means I'm teaching both classes,
morning and evening for the next 3 weeks.

And, since I'm teaching the morning class,
my roofers decided to show up today.

But that's ok....
I am excited to get a new roof!!!

As I'm teaching I'm looking out the window at the garage.

Took them a couple of hours (with a crew of 4) to remove
the old roof, tar and a GAZILLION nails.

And now they are on to the peel & stick 

Then it will be the shingles (silver) and the white gutter.

And then on to the main house.
Of course, I start teaching again at 5:00.
I hope they knock off at 5 and come back
again tomorrow.
Cuz they are LOUD.
And that's on a different building.
I can only imagine the noise level if they
are right above my head.
(I was teaching when we got the new roof
in Florida as well, but it's a bigger house,
so they were able to hold off on my end of
the house until I was finished with class...)
But this little guy is LITTLE.
(888 sq ft total. LOL.)

Whatever, we will make it work.
I'm just thrilled to get a FREE new roof.
(Paid for by the prior owner's insurance 
since it was determined during inspection to be
hail damage from a storm in 2017.)


1 comment:

rktucson said...

Excellent news! Can't wait to see the finished product! Such fun to have FREE NEW STUFF!