Wednesday, June 12, 2024

He Has Windows!!!

 And they were HEAVY!

When we got here, it was all boarded up.

Yesterday we went to the storage unit and
got all his windows.
Loaded them in the bed of his truck
and took them out to the farm.

(This is actually upstairs...)

He put the door in by himself on Monday.

Then we ran out of zip tape (flashing tape) 
to put around the window openings...

So we had to "run" into Hays to Home Depot to get more.
(It's an hour away from the farm...)
As long as we were in town, we treated ourselves
to a burrito from Taco Bell.

Right back to the farm again to finish installation.


Every time we unboarded a window it let in SO MUCH light.

Where he is standing is going to be his bedroom.
He is putting a wall in the middle of the floor 
so he can put his bed against it and look out
at that gorgeous view in the mornings and evenings.

The windows are tinted so it cuts the light a little,
but also it was incredible the difference in the
heat coming through before and after.

I think he will be VERY happy with these windows.
Despite all the adventures getting to this point.
(Remember, he got here and discovered that NONE
of the windows in Kansas would fit the holes he
built into the shell - these are FLORIDA only windows.
Who Knew???)
So he had to come back to Florida and buy them all
and then we brought them down with us in October
when we thought we were moving.
They have been in storage ever since.

And.... let's not forget.
They are HEAVY!
So getting them up his stairs
(with a 90 degree turn in the middle)
was entertaining. 
Since his partner is a fat little old lady.
But we got it done!!!

His view is his 40 acres and WAAAAAAY in the distance,
the neighbor's wheat fields.
(The one that is still boarded up is going to be a door
to the balcony instead of a window. But we don't have
the balcony yet... obviously...)

Those big windows overlook the garden.
And the back windows overlook what will
one day be the orchard.
He planted the trees on Monday.
Give 'em some time and it will be glorious!

I'm beyond impressed with the work he has done.
It's incredible he built this home all by himself.
I'm the only other person who has even been
on the 2nd floor. When he built it in Florida
he built the floor, but then he took it down and
built the walls on the first floor.
AND it withstood it's first winter and some
pretty rowdy storms in fine shape.
Inside there is no mold, mildew, animals...
(his 3 biggest worries beyond it just falling over...)


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