Saturday, June 22, 2024


 It's my little sister's birthday today!
And I do mean little.
She is not only younger,
but she takes SUPREMELY good
care of herself so deserves the moniker LITTLE.

I haven't been out there in awhile,
so I don't have any recent pictures of her.
And she doesn't post many...

But that's ok.
I remember what she looks like... lol.

She and I grew up sharing a bedroom
(and a bed).
Turned out she was allergic to feathers.
We had feather pillows.
She would roll over in the night,
have a nosebleed on MY pillow,
and then go right back to sleep.

Took us awhile to figure that one out.
(Also, feather pillows are NOT all they
are cracked up to be, they have little
spiky feather stems that jab you in
the face in the night!)

She also talked in her sleep.
Not just talked, but she would
call play-by-plays from a baseball game!
She always smelled like summertime.
And she was willing to "practice Christmas"
starting in... oh, July.
(We had to sneak past Mom & Dad's
bedroom door to get to the Christmas tree...
that was a skill that required MONTHS 
of intense training!)

I liked dolls. 
She liked playing hockey.
I liked reading.
She liked playing baseball.
But we were still perfect roommates.
(Except the the time I stabbed her in
the top of the head with my scissors
because we were both sick in bed,
cutting out paper dolls, but she was
sicker and was getting more attention.)
(I was 12.)
(Just kidding, I was probably... 5...?)
(But I still feel bad. Mostly.)

We took turns sleeping out in the backyard,
one of us got to sleep in the hammock.
But you had to get tied in so you didn't roll out.
So the other one had to sleep next to you
on a cot in case you needed to go to the
bathroom and had to get untied.

We piled up ALL the blankets and sleeping
bags on the deck and slept out, even in 
the "winter". (Not likely REAL winter, but
it wasn't summer either!)

We spent MANY nights sleeping out
in the tent trailer.

We rode bikes,
ate marshmallows covered in margarine,
slept on the tramp,
and went ice skating until our feet froze.

We had a good childhood together.
And I'm blessed to call her my little sister.


rktucson said...

Some GREAT memories! Thanks!

nancy said...

you guys were pretty cute !